Track Length: 42m 38s                     Date Recorded: Friday 8th October 2015          Full Juma speech


Dear Listeners this full Juma speech explains:

Four common Mistakes about Hajj

  1. Not doing Hajj despite having wealth and it being Farz on Individuals
  2. Delaying Hajj with the intention of waiting to be “good” before Performing Hajj
  3. Performing Hajj but not paying debs owed
  4. Performing Hajj but not coming back with intention to change life leaving previous bad habits


There after the following points are explained

– Unique Kind generous Qualities of Ansar (RA) (people of Madinah).

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) use to tell that if a married girl came to Ansar she would be so much loved that she would not miss her own home.

– Incident of Tuba Akbar (King of Yemen) making house for Prophet Muhammad  ( صلى الله عليه وسلم)    700 years before his birth. He also was the first person to put a cover on the Kaaba.

This was due to the generosity of the people of Madinah despite the fact he came to have war with them.  During the day they would defend themselves and at night they would send food to the Yemen army explaining that despite being at war they were there visitors.

– Special duas to make in Makkah and Madinah taking the sacrifices on Sahabah into account.